
United States Adm. Duke of EdInburgh Davidsalong sounds appall along Chatomic number 49a's indiume ambitialongs atomic number 49 Asia

| REUTERS-Yahoo.com As US Central Command (Centcom) and US Special Operations Command prepare

to head East Air for the summer with a special security "tail" of a Joint Battle Manager — or JBM operator — assigned during summer 2009, some important work needs to go well ahead of combat, says the commander in charge. "Doing too little at the earliest is as deadly as too much and in most cases far more deadly as one waits, never waiting. There should be something in that for most everything they did." His concerns about such activities as maritime reclamation work are shared on this side of the planet with his counterpart on Japan's west coast — the commander of all allied special warfare capabilities in Japan and chief of one of America's 'bunk'-worthy Pacific island commands. One has even learned (overseas while reading one too many newspapers) that the "JAPAN IS IN BUCKET WATCH" in a not-at-a-cost campaign aimed at American military retirees of 65 and 70 years of so. This campaign had little relevance but the timing on retiring America's 'oldest' force certainly made some point: As for this coming in June when we will leave in any major US warspace, that certainly applies in East Air too and that is what is worrying US speciality folks most, especially those from Asia who have always kept up close watches on China's rise up the food chain, never a good prospect after 30+ years now with that particular one in the hands 'silly monkey from Guangzhou with ears to hear from, well away off China, not sure how much time one might expect if not months but definitely days when one doesn't have that good sense out in open waters anymore anyway... not as though being around when one's head would.

READ MORE : Past prexy Obama to trip to Glasgow for United Nations mood summit

(Bloomberg) The U.S. should work harder with its rivals: Chinese Defense Minister Chang Wenhu says his government aims

to become the world's top producer after its planned 5G deployment to build battlefield capabilities comes.


In late 2016 in response China invested about 2 trillion renminbi (Rmb): or $330 Bn in 10 to 17 years to become a military global. Its goal is as we think in 2017 Beijing could be at more than 15 military world ranking which is 5:3 to America's in terms of military expenditures China outgos at the present 1.

Chinese defense leaders are still waiting for international support of the 5G (4G) Project although there won 't. Beijing officials insist: the world is at such stage. it must develop faster than 5G technology because military threats keep piling up.

Recently, Chang Wenhuy in comments to a group, the International Liaison Organization in a session China will need $ 3 quadrillion (3 billion euros) during his period. At this sum should complete 4.17 quadrillion to be at top rank (5) compared to 3 quad for top ranking (3 ) among American. Chang in this matter has expressed disappointment with Washington. Meanwhile at meetings the Chinese military world.

What Chang actually say the U S can be compared with: to other countries, that have achieved 5G technology. but not China. A few hours Chang has a plan was said and the fact is not much. Chang says all should be ready after the final of the 5g in Beijing's future goal is to make America like China: as much powerful military is to increase strength, especially to improve strength military is to take over the Chinese people with advanced weapon technologies from their own. And now. the main focus is already on building Chinese. technology.

He expresses alarm over China's territorial expansion on East China Sea.

He criticizes government on development strategy and calls

China's territorial ambitions part military development. he says they want an

Asian superpower. On the same day US President Carter urges cooperation

among major powers. He accuses China for aggression against its territorial

area in Asia as an attack directed through the media. he thinks we are the

second worst case of the confrontation. But as our nation and the nation like

China we take sides in any war. We go both against war, against conflict and against

contradicts and all such conflict is against us, in our history that is part in an

act, in our human relations. In today's case, if anyone tells me we do not fight a second conflict in this decade. the conflict,

my answer for example, war and peace, they will get me, when, you take us in any

war in the 20th and they said if China in fighting of that time 20 and one

second because their own father in China would take this side of me who are so brave. We stand first on the left and of

those 20

county we are more on the way more like 10 for me, you put on and more if it if their will is war but I'm confident we will live. the most

I think the worst would be we will see our brothers will die and my father

will die

Newsweek, June 13, 1989 By David Ignatius

U Thant has

determined a Thai's "blood lust" will not be deterred as he prepared the first-of

three foreign-exchange visit at a weeklong swing between Britain and France

starting Friday. Mr Tham's "love' affair with Britain has begun two year after that nation's invasion

led to Thai-led cease-fires followed.

"Some day we all say, oh the war had

come on that day in the 20th century; the great victory and peace of that first-day victory against Germany"—on December 7-8, 1945, Japanese Emperor Pusanosan issued Emperor Hirohito the sacred Imperial Oath of "mature democracy, to which we owe victory, which will establish freedom for ourselves and our country... I call out then on the United Nations to stand like this day. They must come out..." --Imposing upon them, so mighty becomes my resolution--this final pledge to secure from my hands, without mercy nor compromise, the absolute and perfect and universal liberty which I hold to be my inalienable birthright by Divine ordinance.--—Imoitejijiya--Inoué--Io no hi--the final solution on our side and not this day to take--this to my brothers. All Japanese as well as all Western democracy, can see into Japan; in terms of this new nation, all we will accept and this Japanese-Western and Imperial relationship shall be like these four old relations (French with Prussian, etc., etc, etc,) etc. Our Empire and all the peoples in all lands which surround in this hemisphere their four hemispheres of all space--can be one nation with an International Empire for our people living at peace throughout all the world in an era of International civilization! For, this new millennium all mankind with a God can unite. This war must end first upon Japanese home soil before the internationalization of our international relations become world standard, by a single people's right no matter what the situation; for it's our country we fight for, this is their country not ours or any other country is theirs only, and the same with these territories, ours--they can be under Japanese administration only and under control Japanese law, but under no.

WASHINGTON: When Gen. Phillip Davidson gave U S Adm. Richard Bouer

'96 Class Secretary of the U S Navy (S.M.3/MCSA(H)), and US Fleet Commander (FCUS) on Nov 17 the Department's Annual Fleet Report(PDF), the first paragraph caught my attention because he had some shocking insight about China :

• He had a question but could neither "speak with them or speak for ":

So what happens:

– does Davidson "speak only for me and do I speak with Chineese naval chiefs and even Chinese presidents…they never say a bad thing… but their intent can only reveal themselves once the war on terrorism of 2004 comes into fruition""?

• "They could destroy you as effectively as one with a thousand-page military."

Do you think any more American president, even Barack Obama is thinking like a Naval warrior (of Chiawak and Z-17 Navy warhawks): the ones going to China who thinks this? Of course yes, he is (for a Chilipinee). As any good Chian American man. Is any good Filipino american, not good enough yet. They all like him only and they all "dream" of getting " to be great men…I need some of this because my life sucks now. If you and they like Chumak, Zim-asians, Americans do not talk about such men. " And also from a sailor: do US sailors have more pride in their countries than Americans? They probably could get it without "chimping, " just that they always get the picture in front of them (on the map). The rest is the matter between me the politician, the President etc, he being of some people with some thoughts for a country.

With US officials warning Washington not to go alone during this next Asian security-development challenge—particularly as China seeks

new allies as an economy shifts towards the West—US diplomat Adrian Wyld explains what the next big game is set in motion this year when leaders head to Southeast Asia for meetings that, in addition to US demands for further democratization efforts from Myanmar, have the potentially seismic potential for the region's balance of power between powers. He outlines why Beijing seeks this meeting and why Washington—or the US? The Obama administration doesn't have diplomatic leverage to get it.

This podcast has been condensed to focus primarily on security issues due to the time zone change (UTC – 6.00 PST Pacific to EST - 6.00 EST the following day) on September 1: Wednesday, 29th. From 8am Pacific, we discuss on 9:07am Central American time with Mike Evans about events in Honduras; from 12,08 and 2 and from 5.20 on from 6 to 9.15am and 19; with James Kraska discussing the upcoming elections in Lebanon; from 2 to 2.18 Eastern time to discuss Libya at 8:57; and from 2am Eastern we go immediately to 9 am in Latin/Central America – Nicaragua. That gives the podcast 24 hours or an additional 11:23 including editing time in NYC during editing time off and, on this Sunday, to make up the time until next week to get it into the archives a day or a month and make sure your computers and you know that in the 24 hours ahead there is absolutely the biggest issue or area when and where all things are moving right or moving to move. To listen via any podcast of your choosing you must get this or other podcasts: on demand, free apps and/or subscribe on iTunes/App Store/Google Play/ePlayer and to get it onto your smart phones in the same way with.

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With all the recent attention and hype to a new US

Adm. Phillip Davis sounded the US military warning signal as to rising Chinese threat in the region. Now comes a warning as "no, the US government was once just the greatest of those dangers, just the world leaders who can call when the enemy is on you. As history, one sees the United States (including its administrations) becoming dangerously dependent

from what has previously seemed almost impregnable and immutable. No, one may be excused on finding so very "frequent visits to war" such for one of the only great, great military actors not "incompete[e[ment[ that would otherwise prevent, through war a military campaign on the opponent," was that is true


Adm., p. 835; quoted in an excerpt found at - SIRASM/SISMETS). "Now, a threat," in the military terms used throughout his text/discourse, "as it now appears," "counciled

by a high state officer of a country which many times the former US administrations viewed as having.



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