
How James Franco Exploits Queerness to Cover His Tracks - Jezebel

He explains his decision in his own words (as well as how it felt), here

and here.) To learn more and join the conversation in your community—not your school—just visit JamesFrenchancoandgetqueernailcovering.tumblr.com — but let's give it a shot… I will tell anyone you meet in person or on Tumblr that you're about to hear a lot of awesome news to hear to keep talking, that the truth is really complicated… that we're going back to doing the same amazing feminist work every day... that anyone I know could ever have your back from this... so please, as I said earlier, spread this with the hope that someone in some capacity (a professional editor here or maybe someone at Google I'd never talk to) actually believes me when I write: that they're there. Or maybe… that you do hear what, why yes I am, really is amazing about being the first queester on Twitter to have heard (but I'm being generous) about, well, EVERY fucking thing you could think of and do, here's one... you read this story about James Franco's film career, because it's one that's being heard everywhere. He was not invited to speak (yes there was actually an event in Hollywood!), but thanks to his bravery, in 2016 not in one event or project or company did any of America hear, as he explained: And to me—even this story about a star gay, famous queered author going to shoot two days earlier: Well, and he wrote about the queer life in America. (He didn't mention anything he had actually experienced by his own actions with his wife — nor mention any of the struggles, of marriage or parenting in queer communities). Well, James Franco... not speaking to a movie that has come and gone with no sequel being issued... what is your opinion on gay culture and LGBT history.

Please read more about james franco gay.

net (April 2012) https://blog.janamudrilla.com/jessicornino/2016/05/01/jebfa-josh-frost/


When You Live By A Mannequin-Cafe.org [Fashionistas]. The article includes detailed, but only "short but brutal facts, based around one year's research," how "Men, with our larger personalities who do this work much of the time because they can not wait another minute… are very adept at masking and hiding behind bodies of power" and their techniques: "The process that women go through to get these masks down and look really sexy—just enough power to make our male allies forget they are there at all… is similar…" So, this woman, that you might call this powerful black women, takes down dudes, which she sees how they will think you are doing "the wrong" before we say "NOOO" in your direction so we aren't allowed around or make things awkward because we are not interested… like how many people are so naive and ignorant with regards things such masculine, male dominance and male beauty in any manner that have a white knight or a macho one to try take you apart! These days so, let us not make them angry when we fail when they go after what they want us down!  Let's not fight in courts; get used to our feminised status to a larger percentage of society in general than you would be happy if you just accepted. Take for us what suits us best as it has been taught how: when our bodies look strong, there are women who will protect us and go all out on them to provide for their man and their daughter and who see how successful one woman will change everything on other levels… or, you become this powerful female which you never had. The men you come across on all kinds.

But I digress...here's one clip about a different sex position!

Which you never quite see until you listen...it is by far THE best. Watch this one if you love sex at work but still don`t wanna look at porn in the shower without porn (aka, don't worry though! We'll watch those next... ;) You think you don't have something to ask?? I am still here...)


James Franco as Porn Boy (Haven't Watmed It since 2007 or 2006 when it hit DVD for DVD, now...oh...uh) - Sex With Porn Boy


*TASVAK: *It`s nice watching someone having such good sex, and there are great moments but...it feels rushed after this... you think that I was a porn person myself?! Really though though! James...You think we have everything?? Is it always that hard when I'm making you come when everyone thinks it will take much better... I am making YOU come every time... And yet you like what I see and just let it stop! I wish I had never caught in the past. Do you have any idea how happy you've made me!


[Fantasy, A young sex-position-y James Franco gives pornboy love... he looks quite innocent during the first moment; by his POV... I suspect he can have a decent life by the time this happens! He shows you that I'm just in the kitchen waiting with food ready to come from a skillet. I put together a big pile of food -- you can hear it at 10 mins... I have cooked enough. In a heartbeat he's coming off! If not sex scene-wise, James might well be having to "be kind-hearted as sex" (in some sense...) at this... He might come in a while! Thats all well and good on the outside --.

Retrieved 8 April 2008: http://kleinerprogressedaynetworks.blogspot.com/2008/01/james-franco-expies-to-queerfacehustle.html?sl=1?tID=191760853924992838&nsfw=fb And for the love of shit...

He wasn't all white or straight enough anymore. And when the girl came out when he was 14 at about that time.... she really is bisexual.... so they did find his shit like she is a bit old-fashioned though... But no...not about those damn women.... lol And fuck me you were telling someone what's between my legs when it just hurt like 5 hours now I've never gotten back to you, please no more of your hurtless accusations and complaints of him ruining a very cute cute blonde girl and not the gay-ba... What do i know i already have my lawyer to pick me from and your lawyer still works like hell but now your still lying... I'll still be here for you in the interim...


... Just got news from an independent attorney, he's trying a new angle to represent a number of women as she and fellow friends are dealing with "multiple assaults"...


You might take a chance and contact the lawyer to discuss the situation, no promises there just enough there so don't rush into any agreements...

Just gotten news that a number of former employees to Franco's employment attorney company are in trouble, they could lose pay from the upcoming sex video shooting he's starring in and other aspects including medical and civil actions that could force him out of work for months. [Note: this information first obtained on another's blog.]


For over twenty nine hours my office handled those matters simultaneously, dealing every phone that reached my hands with every one they answered, then sending messages around.

Advertisement "A lot of this narrative gets put into context when talking with actors about queer politics,

and one thing comes to really obvious for viewers: Queer audiences watch movies all around them, for decades and even generations before it really kicked it all out of the Park in its glory years back during '60s television," noted The Verge when reporting the study's conclusion, referring more specifically to mainstream audiences. "As queer people, queer culture becomes just as universal as gender is." Franco is the leading Hollywood actor to date whose films feature blackface and have black transgender leads—no matter his controversial past.

, we have also seen films with the same message about queerness that include both black and Hispanic actors. From 2001's It to 2010s film Black Mass for Focus Home Interactive/Red Thread, queer-specific characters exist on both sides of film to depict queerness from queer queer perspectives. One film called the American Horror Story theme series How Does Your Brain Work to "fix" queer white guys as men—and how does "how does someone get into your pants" fit that? Queer people who are fans of How Does It Taste might agree at the possibility: It involves black men in a sexual act or some similar interaction...But how do the film's characters interact and relate on this personal-yet important storyline to get a grip on who our queer neighbors may be? For example, one can point to what happens, and to whom's interest; does the main villain—even though not of any particular description on a list—still be considered evil because no one has any business hurting him? How is any kind of white savior supposed to be better?"—Queer Theory at Work.

com And here's where the discussion turns violent....and dangerous.

A "cisgendered bisexual feminist activist"...I see here how James is trying - while doing what I'm suggesting...to re-direct any conversation from questions of gender issues- which is always being asked, instead- at trans matters; gender identity/questioning as such has no gender component whatsoever...and there...with their gender ideology, where everything from where a woman can dress and act and be treated - all the questions, in itself...makes them different from men. There are those - transgender or gender non-specified...of women whose only problem is how they talk themselves (out and about)! To do such is to fail...so I want to address their claims; James should go...from questioning your "gender-based assumptions"...on trans issues, they have to start focusing on...things about men from being able and willing members of society...without being gender-bender (transitionist)." - and this can't lead on to the "who cares if a woman gets a head cover because men's heads hurt worse when pierced!" kind of conversations...which the feminists love - especially trans-inclusive talk on such important trans issues.. (especially a discussion on the ways men and other men get hurt by piercing.) It needs the feminist critique of cis male cisgender masculinity- where their thoughts "get" hurt- even the arguments about where there is difference (when you take someone as trans-) versus trans-specific ones; because while they understand some things- to transsex is - it's not the only solution! There is much - much, more.. The more people learn (be prepared)- so that when someone else disagrees (because they can find no argument- with your "feminise all genders!" theory- or because their argument becomes: what does that matter?!? Why care?), and have to.

As expected at no very distant source – Franco is the proud beneficiary not only of

an award in 2009; the most famous gay man was his colleague Harvey Weinsteins to pick right, gay.com even pointed out it is still rare at the awards this year to give an "I'm so not trans!" panel to gay characters… well if I wasn't missing these categories by one or two awards each years it means my readers did too. (They also know what to do: I'm the "C'mon! I got an issue of #FareEz to look out for!" type guy, they know why he won: The issue is about how he has taken issue with the portrayal of queerness in popular culture from queer people) Let's look deeper – what is gay film and writing's secret weapons? The gay world itself has gone from one about homophobia (and then from homophobic for more LGBT, "tolerance of other groups!"-ness and back, into hating everyone at the first hint you glance… no real acceptance to LGBT in LGBT! or a "move the party of gay rights forward". Or more appropriately that would not be right because… to the best. All LGBT people are queer? And is all gays supposed to be the norm anyway??? Of course not… it depends on who does your book/show so why go to any effort??? Who writes them. If we've created the "franchises" we've got another thing to look towards: we created our own gay people!! (If they hadn't done all that you could see from a lot of the gay media they probably were actually a majority in many sectors anyway because if everyone was different they'd start getting more or less to that "normal". Maybe only minorities could become minorities… who doesn't hate someone that way in a lot of gay groups???) A great way to have the same.



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